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Welcome to the official Helpful Commands Documentation! Here you will find a lot of useful information related to the mod, such as its main features, commands, configuration guide, and more!
❓▪ About Mod
✨▪ Features
- Lots of new useful commands: save your time, enhance your experience, and enjoy new features
- Supports selectors/targets: use commands on other players and entities
- Interactive output: hover over the text to get detailed information, click to perform an action
- Easily configurable: each command can be toggled on or off, and you can edit config values in-game
- Support for Permission management tools: control who can and can't use certain commands or mod features on your server
- Purely server-side: when installed on the server, players won't need to download the mod, and will still be able to use the commands
- Open Source: suggest changes, report bugs, and submit your own ideas on GitHub
📚▪ Docs nomenclature
Mod version
It usually represents a mod version that introduced a particular feature or command.
Permission ID
Specifies the ID of the permission that the player must have in order to use a particular feature or command (for use with permission management tools).